
iOS 14 customization tips And tricks | Battery percentage on home screen.

iOS 14 customization is one of the best things about iOS 14. In this video I show you tips and tricks of how to fully customize your iPhone using th

iOS 14 customization tips And tricks | Battery percentage on home screen. 

iOS 14 has some great customization options and so I wanted to show you how you can customize your phone to look just like this any other setup that you would choose and you can see i have custom icons as well as custom widgets and everything just looks a little bit different so let me show you how to do that step by step how the first thing is if you've already been using iOS 14 for a while you know that you have this new app library now you can't get rid of the applibrary but you can get rid of all your pages you can add all your pages back have this custom page.

iOS 14 is really a biggest update in iPhone's. SoWhatever you would like some if you want to change that just press on an empty space and get into jiggle mode tap on the dots at the bottom and then you can see all of your different pages you can see this was one of my previous pages as soon as i hit done it will lock into place and i can bring that page back so you can have customized multiple pages depending on what you want to set up so let's press and hold again tap get rid of that and as you can see we're back in jiggle mode now in addition to using the applibrary and hiding home screens if you want to use a home screen but don't want an application to show up on that home screen but you still want to keep it you can press and hold on it and then hit remove app and then saymove to app library now.

By the way I tell iOS 14 is different from other iOS  it will stay in the app library and no longer show on your home screen so now it's in my app library under else and i can just open it from there now if you want to have customized widgets like this the first thing you need to do is installed an application called widget smith as you can see here now once you have widget smith installed it allows you to fully customize and one of these widgets so let's go into widget smith now within the application widget smith we have the option to add small widgets medium widgets or large widgets and so we can pick whatever we'd like let's just pick a small one so we'll adda small one tap on the widget and tap on it again and as you can see we have some different options so we have time date both of them combined we've got some photos calendar reminders and as you get further down you can pay for additional widgets but everything i'm going to show you is free.

See this  iOS 14

So, let's talk about the Photos of iOS 14.  So, let's go ahead and pick maybe a photo if we pick a photo tap on selected photos then choose a photo and let's just choose this red one go back hit save and then go home now if we want to add a widgets and hold hit plus and let's scroll down to widget smithso we've got widget smith and then we can add small medium or large whatever we choose we'll pick smalladd widget and you'll see it added it there in the upper left and then of course if we press and hold we can move this around now if you're good with photoshop of course you could blend this with the background make it and or make it fit in and then when you press on it you can have it open your calendar or go back to tools and select any one of these to open so maybe you want to open health or photos or weather which requires a premium subscription but we wanted to open our calendars so super simple tap on it it opens the calendar so that's one way you can customize now you can see i have a few different options here but then i have customized app icons as well and this is done a little bit differently now in order to customize app icons you need to download theactual app icon i'll link those in the description soyou can grab all of these if you'd like to use the exact same ones there's sortof a dark theme version of what we already haveand they sort of work but they work through shortcutsand so for example

If i want to go into Safari press in iOS 14 and opens shortcuts and then opens apple.com on safarinow you could change this to any web page you can change what it does but if you're familiar with shortcuts it's pretty simple to do if not let me show you how to do it step by step now let's go into shortcuts and within shortcuts you can see i have reminders and maps and music and Safari let me show you how i made the safari one so you'll be able to add a dark icon or any icon that you would like so we'll go back over to shortcuts hit the plus tap add action tap on apps and within apps find the app that you want to change so safari in this case and then in safari i just have open a url that's the easiest way you could use any one of these but we'll do open ulta pulta on url and we'll type apple.com now you won't have to modify this for every single one of these hit next name the shortcut i'll just name it safari 2 since i've already made one and hit done now once you've done this tap the three dots and then tap the three dots again for the menu and tap add to home screen once you've tapped on add to home screen tap the icon here then tap choose photo and under choose photo let's find Safari choose safari hit add hit done and you'll find it on our home screen over here and so if we tap on this it will open up and move over to apple.com now because it's named safari 2of course i would need to go back in and change that but we can name that whatever we'd like photos music.

In iOS 14 whatever we'd like we can change it to that and so you can build those for every single one of these so camera for example runs a shortcut and then opens the camera so some of these don't work really well so if i go to phone you'll see that it says who do you want to call so it's not exactly what you want it to doso not every one of these will work but you can fully customize it however you'd like now i've shown you how you can customize your phone to look like this but maybe you want to change it up a little bitand you want a different style widget well there's another app as well other than widget smith so if we pull down you can see there's one called color widgets if we go into color widgets this is a little bit different in that it shows not only the date and time but also the battery percentage.

iOS 14 face I'd So, if you have a face id phone and you want to see the percentage all the time you can do that now without having to pull down the control center so for example we'll tap on this widget we'll edit the widget and here we can change the background for light dark or colored and then also change the font so maybe I'll make the font like this and then also i'll add a photo and let's add a red photo to match the background we'll hit set widget and now if we go home let's press and hold we'll remove the old widget let's add a new one go to our color widget and then go to the medium sized and hit add widget and now it matches the background and of course we can change this over and over to whatever works best for usso as you can see it says 84 percent if we pull down control center you'll see it says 84 percent so now we have our battery status of course this can be smaller larger and however you'd likeso the possibilities are fairly endless as far as customisation overall with this particular update so ios 14 allows for a lot of customisation of i think i'll leave mine like this for a little while and see. 

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