Why Samsung makes so many Samsung a smartphones.
Why Samsung makes so many Samsung a smartphones.
About the Samsung a smartphones

Samsung a smartphones is a very good smartphones. They're all Samsung a smartphone, and they're just a portion of Samsung's 2020 line up. This is just the flagships and they're just the ones that Samsung is releasing in the US it is the Galaxy S20. The S20 plus the S20.
Ultra, the 20 ban edition, the note 20. And the note 20. Ultra that is six phones. And it doesn't even count phones like this thing right here. This is the a 51 Samsung's pushing this in the US now two, there's also the a 51 5g a 75 G. Oh yeah, there's folding phones.
There's the Samsung a smartphones Z fold two and the Z flip five G. It's kind of impossible to keep track. So here's a question. Why does Samsung makes so damn many phones? Now the reason this question matters to me is I just got finished reviewing a couple of Samsung further review the Galaxy Note 20, which is overpriced of 1000 bucks for what you get out of it.
And then I also reviewed the Samsung a smartphones Galaxy S 20. Note the Galaxy S20 f II The fan edition, which is a great value for the price at 699. It's a plastic back shirt, but you get 120 hertz screen, you get three pretty good Samsung 12 megapixel cameras.
Samsung a smartphones feels kind of like a whole package. But it also feels like a package that's a little bit more like a beefed up a series phone that a tone down Samsung a smartphones series phone and it sends me into thinking about philosophical experiments like the Ship of Theseus. It's this thought experiment where you've got a boat and the mast breaks.
So you replace the mast. Is it still the same boat? Well, then the keel breaks and your place to keel? Is it still the same boat? If you replace literally every single plank and rope on that boat at the end of it when you replace the last part? Is it still the same boat started with it don't know? Well, okay, apply that to this S20.

If, you get rid of the Samsung a smartphones S20 screen. And go with a screen that's a little more like a series, it's still an Samsung a smartphone. If you get rid of the fancy camera module. And both of more basic camera module, is it still an S phone? If you replace everything. But basically the processor with slightly less expensive parts? Does it still count as an S phone? Sure, Samsung decided to call it an S phone? Well, we actually should do instead of just noodling on bad philosophical thought experiments is actually try to categorize these phones. So there's a few different ways we could do it. Now one way to do this categorization thing is just by screen size, it's no longer the case that bigger screen means better phone.
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But in theory, Samsung a smartphones You should be able to look at the screen size and have a pretty good guess of which phone it is. But you just can't. We're going to play a game. I'm going to put two phones down and set a timer and then see if you can guess which Samsung model it is by the time that timer runs out. How'd you do? That's not that easy, right?
Samsung a smartphones is very good smartphones in features and specifications. And if we find other ways to try and categorize them on other specs besides screens, it gets even more complicated. I mean, trust me if we tried to make a spreadsheet of all the camera specs and differences in storage, and RAM, and so on across all of these phones, you'd need like a 50 inch monitor just to get a look at the spreadsheet.
So I don't think it's specs or screen size. In Samsung a smartphones. There must be some other way to characterize all these phones and make sense of them. And I think it's like a high level product category kind of thing. At the very top of Samsung's product hierarchy are the folding phones the Z fold to 5g and the Z flip 5g. These are Samsung's high technology show off phones. . These are like a new tier of flagship for Samsung, and it's where they put their most expensive, most experimental features. That stuff used to go to the note but now it goes to the ultras.
Then there's the regular flagships the Samsung a smartphones S20, and the S20. Plus, Samsung says that early buyers go for the ultras, and then later buyers go for the regular ones. Now the note 20 should fit in with those. But again, I think the note 20 is kind of overpriced, and the screen is underpowered for to pay for it. It honestly feels more like a fan edition phone. So it fits in this new mid range with the Galaxy S 20. f E which is 700 bucks, then you've got the A Series phones, which hits like every conceivable price point on down to, I don't know, 100 bucks or something. As a product categorization strategy. This is kind of a mess. I mean, it makes sense when I explain it to myself, but I also can't help but feel like I just made it up myself.

And in reality, I think there's a much simpler explanations In Samsung a smartphones. It's price. And actually this is kind of inside baseball but I try not to watch too many other review videos before I do my own. So after we finished this This video I want to go check out what Marquez Brownlee had to say about the Samsung a smartphones Galaxy S20 f e and it turned out that he makes a lot of the same points in his video. So shout out to a great mind second alike. Let's take a look at the prices that Samsung charges for its 5g phones in the US, we're just gonna look at base prices, keep it simple. And we're also going to round up a penny because ending a price and 99 cents is stupid.
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So here we go. Alright, the Samsung a smartphones Z fold two is 2000 bucks, then there's the Z flip five g for 1450. The note 20 Ultra is also 1450. The is 20 Ultra is 1400. The S20 Plus is 1200. The s 20. And the note 20 are each $1,000 (In India 75,000 Rs). The s 20. fe is $700 (In India 52,500 Rs). The a 71. Five G is 650. And the a 51. 5g is 500. I think that that price breakdown really is the best explanation for why Samsung makes so many variants of its flagship phones.
It means that when you go to buy a phone. Samsung a smartphones has won at the price that you want to spend. And just as importantly, it has one that's competitive with whatever other phone you might have been thinking of buying iPhone pixel five, one plus whatever, there's always a Samsung phone that's just a little bit cheaper right next to it, or there's one that's a little bit more expensive, but with better specs. Now looking at that price breakdown, if you don't count the Z fold to the biggest gap in this whole line up is just 300 bucks. And I personally think it should actually be smaller than that because the note 27 price 800 bucks.
But that's another story. The other thing to think about with all Samsung a smartphones prices is that their launch day prices, all of these phones ended up getting discounted carriers offer two for one deals or huge incentives to trade up or sometimes the price just drops, and often really, really quickly after launch. One of the big trends this year is that everybody wants to offer new phones and all the price points instead. of just having consumers buy the older model. Apple is actually rumored to be doing something like that with the next iPhone. And it's already done it with the Apple Watch se. But really, Samsung a smartphone has led the way with this strategy. It has been doing it for years.

And the truth is that with maybe one Samsung a smartphones galaxy note 20 exception. All of these phones are really good for their price, especially if you can find one of those really easy to find discounts. So why does Samsung make so many phones, because it's really good at mixing and matching parts to hit every conceivable price point. Basically, Samsung makes as many phones because it can. And it doesn't care if there's a clearly differentiated line of easily distinguished product categories. Samsung just wants to sell you a phone at any price.
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